Preston Lopez, hailing from Washington Heights, NYC, emerged as an elementary school track star at the age of eleven, securing numerous medals. Transitioning to junior high, his passion shifted to drawing and painting. Graduating from The High School of Art and Design, he later delved into photography.
At Kingsborough Community College, Preston briefly pursued music and vocal studies. In 1997, he gained fame hosting his own public access TV show, featuring interviews, acting, painting, singing, and addressing social issues. An accomplished actor (credits include "Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood," "El Capo," "FBI"), painter ("Scars of a Native," "Anatomy of a Brainiac"), and director writer editor of short films and music videos ("Con," "Dirty Thoughts," "I Remember"), he also produced notable works like "Aventuras de Pancho Manguera" and the "Erotico Film Series."
As a TV host of "The Preston Lopez Show," musician with albums like "Erotico," "Paradox," "Reckonin'," and "Maloko," and a prolific writer of songs and screenplays, Preston wears many creative hats. Beyond the entertainment realm, he is recognized as an activist.
In 2023, Preston Lopez extended his endeavors by becoming a partner in Crackl Cookies, a luxury couture cookie company.
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